371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

What Effect Does Poor Alignment Have on My Car?

Ken's automotive and transmissions vehicle alignment services

Your car’s alignment is a crucial aspect of its overall health and performance. When a car’s alignment is off, the wheels are not angled and positioned properly in relation to each other and the road surface. It impacts how your vehicle drives, handles and responds to your inputs. Poor alignment can lead to various issues […]

Why Is My Brake Light On All the Time?

Ken's automotive and transmissions speed gauge abs system

Brake lights are part of the tail light and illuminate when the brake pedal is pressed. If your brake lights are staying on even if you shut off your car, there are several possible reasons. It is extremely dangerous to drive with malfunctioning brake lights, whether they don’t come on at all or they never […]