371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Why We’re The Area’s Leading Transmission Specialist

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When it comes to keeping your vehicle in optimal condition, there’s nothing more crucial than having a reliable and skilled transmission specialist. At Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions, we take great pride in being the leading transmission specialist in Maryland. With over 55 years of experience, a team of highly trained technicians, and a commitment to […]

What Are the Main Systems of a Car?

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Cars have come a long way since they were first invented. Nowadays, cars are equipped with various systems that make them safer, more efficient, and more comfortable to drive. Let’s take a closer look at the main systems of a modern car. Engine System The engine system is the most important system in a car. […]

Does Your Fuel System Need Repair?

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Your car’s fuel system is a critical component that delivers fuel to the engine. Without proper fuel delivery, your car won’t be able to run efficiently or may not run at all. As a car owner, it’s essential to know the signs that indicate your fuel system needs repair. Look at some signs indicating your […]

How Do I Make My Car Last Longer?

Ken's automotive and transmissions how to maintain your car so it will last longer

Although most cars are depreciating assets, they’re still an investment. Cars allow us to comfortably get from place to place in a short amount of time. For that reason, you want to make sure that you’re doing everything possible to protect your investment and ensure your car lasts a long time. Follow these tips for […]