371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Auto Repair

Auto Repair

No matter if you need to repair, replace, or rebuild parts of your vehicle, the automotive experts at Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions are here to help.

Ken's automotive and transmissions mechanic performs diagnostics

Trusted, Frederick Auto Repair since 1968

We’ve served Frederick, MD since 1968. In that time, we’ve built a reputation as the leading auto repair service in Frederick, MD. We work hard for our customers and always put their needs over profits. It’s one reason we believe we’ve earned over fifty 5-star reviews.

End-to-End Auto Repair Services

When you bring your vehicle into Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions, you can rest assured your issue will be resolved. When it comes to auto repair in Frederick, MD we can do it all. Our ASE-certified technicians have the experience to help you with the following issues:

We Offer Transparency with Digital Reports

Today’s vehicle is very high-tech. Repairs are hard to complete for most folks, and truthfully even understanding the work completed takes a lot. This is why Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions offers digital reporting. We are completely transparent with the work we complete—after all we have nothing to hide.

We Guarantee our Auto Repair Services

Our Frederick, MD auto repair services are guaranteed with a 36 month / 50,000 mile warranty. This warranty is one of the most aggressive Frederick, MD auto repair warranties in the area. You want peace of mind, and we aim to give that to you. Our warranty covers most general auto repair services for most vehicles

Trust Our 55+ Years of Five-Star Service


Buy 4 Get One


Buy 4 oil changes and get the next one FREE!

*Limited Time Offer