55+ Years of Five-Star
Auto Repair Services
Backed by Our 3-Year/50,000 Mile Warranty.
36 Month / 50,000 Mile Warranty
Locally Trusted
400+ Frederick 5-Star Reviews
Unbeatable Service
Service That Keeps You Coming Back
Automotive Repairs
Automotive Maintenance
Automotive Maintenance
Transmission Services
Transmission Services
Trusted Auto Repair Since 1968
Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions first opened in 1968 with one lift and has steadily grown to a 9 lift, full-service Frederick, MD auto repair shop. While we have grown, nothing about our commitment to quality has changed. We’re driven to provide high quality repairs and unbeatable customer service.
We Stand Behind Our Work with a Warranty
Our technicians are the best at what they do. After all, we’re not only ASE-certified, we’re also an ATI-certified auto mechanic. This puts us in the top 2% nationwide! As such, we stand behind our work with a 36 month / 50,000 mile warranty on most general auto repairs. In addition, you also receive a nationwide ATRA warranty on our Frederick, MD transmission services for most vehicles.
It Feels Like Family When You Come See Us At Ken's Automotive & Transmission.
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Buy 4 Get One
Buy 4 oil changes and get the next one FREE!
*Limited Time Offer
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Tire hazard protection
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Our Auto Repair Services
If you’re in need of auto repair in Frederick, MD stop by Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions. Our ASE-certified technicians have the experience and skill to help you solve even the most complex of issues, including but not limited to:
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