371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

When Do I Need New Tires?

Ken's automotive and transmissions wear and tear on tires

There’s no way to tell exactly how long a tire will last. Various things can affect the lifespan of a tire, such as road conditions, climate, driving habits, etc. The last thing anyone wants is to be stranded on the road with a blown-out tire. Luckily, you can prevent this scenario from happening by having […]

Why Auto Repairs are More Complicated with Technology

Ken's automotive and transmissions complicataed repairs with technology

Today’s cars can do an array of cool things. Modern vehicles can drive themselves, provide directions, pair with your smart devices, monitor your blind spot, and much more. While all these cool features have made it easier to drive your vehicle, it certainly has not made repairing your car easier. Since today’s cars are equipped […]

Fall Vehicle Maintenance Checklist

Ken's automotive and transmissions fall vehicle maintenance

Fall is quickly approaching, and that means it’s time for some vehicle maintenance. Having your car serviced before the fall arrives is one way to keep your vehicle on the road longer. Fall entails cooler weather and plenty of leaves. Make sure your vehicle is ready to tackle the fall by following this fall vehicle […]

How Often Should I Replace My Car’s Battery?

Ken's automotive and transmissions replacing car battery

Car batteries are the strong, resilient force behind every car. They do their job regardless of heat, cold weather, and the drivers who demand so much of them. We demand a lot from our car batteries, so it’s no surprise that eventually they will die, and we will need to replace them. But just how […]

Checklist for Buying a Car

car care repair frederick md

Before you hop in a new car, you want to make sure you’re buying the right one. A car’s exterior can look good, but once you start driving it, the car can have a variety of problems. One way to avoid buying a bad car is by conducting a thorough inspection before buying. Here’s what […]

Value of a Vehicle Health Assessment

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People often don’t think about the health of their vehicles until something goes wrong. That is a common mistake that results in drivers paying more for repairs. One way you can ensure that your vehicle is healthy and running efficiently is by getting a vehicle health assessment at least once a year. Here’s what you’ll […]

Should I Use Premium Gas?

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When you pull up to a gas station, do you know what you’re actually getting? You may be used to putting a certain type of gas in your vehicle, but how do you know if it’s the best type of gas for your vehicle? Some drivers opt for premium gas, but is it really the […]

How Often Should You Change Your Auto Filter?

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Your vehicle has all types of filters. Every one of them is important for your vehicle to run smoothly. When they become clogged or dirty, it can cause a wide variety of problems. Take a look at the types of filters your vehicle has and how often you should replace them. Air Filters A vehicle’s […]

Why Do My Headlights Burn Out When the Weather Gets Cold?

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Winter weather conditions can be tough on everyone and everything. Your skin becomes drier, trees become dormant, and your health can become affected. Just like everything else, your car can become affected by cold winter conditions. In particular, your headlights can feel the effects of cold weather and burn out. Here is why that’s the […]

What is My Transmission Fluid Supposed to Look Like?

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For many drivers, transmission fluid isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when anticipating car problems. However, transmission services are an important aspect of your car’s health. Understanding how to maintain a happy transmission and knowing what you can do to keep your transmission running smoothly can help prolong the life of your car. […]