Can Winter Salt on the Roads Damage My Car?

Winter conditions aren’t kind to your car. In particular, the salt that’s applied to roads after a snowstorm isn’t kind to your car. Road salt is helpful for melting ice and creating safer driving conditions. But, on the downside, road salt can damage your car. Keep reading to discover some of the ways salt can […]
Winter Tires VS All-Season Tires

As the seasons change, so should your tires. For people in the north, winter months usually entail extremely cold weather, snow, and ice. Driving in these conditions can be a challenge, and that is why you want to do everything possible to make sure your car is equipped for the elements. One way to do […]
Why a Winter Check Up is Important for Your Car

Winter weather can be stressful for many aspects of your life from your plumbing to your joints and everything in between. Your car can also face some difficulties during the winter months, particularly if there are problems you’re not aware of lurking within it. Today we’re going to talk about some of the reasons why […]
Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Warm and Safe

Winter time is one of the best times for hot chocolate, curling up by the fire, and enjoying cozy time with family or friends. However, when you venture out in your car, some of the trappings of the winter season can prove dangerous for your drive. So, today we’re going to go over some safe […]
What Should I Keep in My Car During Winter?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. This is certainly true during the harsh winter months. If you were to be stranded with a dead battery or unable to get to a gas station in the midst of a snowy downpour, you’ll be glad you prepared for the […]
Are You Ready for Winter Driving?

Regardless of how you feel about winter weather, no one wants to drive in it. Snow and ice might be beautiful, but they hold danger and peril for those on the road, and it takes some effort to combat it. Fighting against nasty driving conditions is no easy task. However, it can be done so […]
How Tires Help with Traction in Snow

Just before it starts getting cold outside, you should be checking all of your tires to see if they need to be replaced. Why? Because ignoring something as important as traction is what will end up causing an accident. It’s far too common to see accidents that were either caused or worsened due to a […]
Top Winter Driving Safety Checks before Hitting the Road

Winter Driving Safety Checks for Optimal Performance Rain, snow and sleet are a few of the weather conditions that can make winter driving dangerous. An accident happens in milliseconds. Keep yourself and your family safe this winter season by taking steps to make sure that your car is ready for the road. There are […]
Winter Driving – Are You Ready?

We have all heard of those stories about people’s cars breaking down or getting stranded in the middle of nowhere in three feet of snow on the coldest day of the year. It always happens under the worst conditions for these unfortunate motorists. What do I really need to have my car ready for winter […]